Saturday, 1 November 2014

White angel

The book ( About The Life Part I)
My love I miss you so much and I still have nostalgia to our memories when we were together. I have the missing for your love when you were still between my arms.  I know this is true you will never come back again to my warm hug, although my heart still tell me one thing and repeat all the times because my heart resist this truth and my heart believes with your emotions. My heart told me you will come back again, In every moment I wait you because all my feelings miss you and my heart still tell me don’t believe that, my mind refuse my wishes about your returning and this gives me more sadness to live within my heart but I will do my heart like as white angels to be like these white birds to fly in this sky to call you to come back again for me. These white angels will be like my pure love to search about you in all over the places and the skies or even on the isolated islands and I will ask every creature in this world to tell you one message I will die without you, my baby.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

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