Within my life
Of the most beautiful
expressions and emotions that you can find it in your life is a child smile. If
you want to escape from everything like the sadness or worries just look to a
child when he or she smiles.We should be grateful to Allah when he gives us the
children in our lives.When you meditate them you feel you stand front of the
gate of innocence and happiness. They give you this feeling you stand in
presence of angels.Their smiles like the flowers when it blooms in the early
morning to give you the pleasure and the hope for new day in your life. When
you find a child smiles to you in your way it’s a capture and the sign about
something good will touch your life. Don’t be slavish for your life and all
attention about the pains and worries, you can escape from all that to your
kids and ask them about their magic rug to join with them to their magic lands.
Close your eyes and imagine this rug which will take you to the happiness. The
magic rug it’s their smiles which will take to the mountains in the dreams land
to discover their treasure which is the valley. In this valley you will hear
their smiles like a wild flowers bloom for you only.
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