Sunday, 31 August 2014

Think of The Nature

About the nature
Really the beauty of nature is very strange due to the diversity which includes many elements and factors that make you stand to watch and then to meditate it for a moment you will find tenderness in flowers and greatness in the trees but the mountains you feel some little with a fear, And feel like you are not willing to be alone among the mountains, But if you meditate that you will discover that it's really amazing.
( It's thought from my new book ) and this is the link :

The Universe

The universe
How I can feel with everything in the universe? It's difficult question for me because I think about the relation between our souls and this universe and this fact if you think about that you will find this relation in your life, And we are in our bodies we cannot feel just some of the things in that nature, But when our souls will be liberated wandering everywhere in this great universe will we feel we can travel through the time and the space, We will inhabit the high mountains and the depths of the ocean, we will live in absolute freedom.
( It's thought from my new book ) and this is the link :

Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Love for You

I love you
I feel the love created just for you ,I think you do not belong to humans I think you are angel or maybe you are just flower born of tones of nature , Your heart like a leaflet of flower with the beauty of rose and your eyes like emeralds , Your smile carry happiness for every one can look at your face, Who said that there is human beings might be able to have all the love in all love stories through his heart to give you this love but I do not have anything except my heart and my rose for you.
( It's thought from my new book  ) and this is the link :

Just My Meditations

Dear my friends
Yesterday i published my my first book which called ( Just My Meditations ) Part I ( createspace web site ) it's Amazon company and my book will be available on Amazon web site next Wednesday. I wish my book take its chance to reach to everyone in this world especially my friend maybe my book touches your heart. and this is my link for my book :

Thursday, 28 August 2014

A Girl From The Moon

Baby I do not think you are like the rest of humanity because human's heart is not pure in the most circumstances but the hearts maybe inhabited by evil with hatred too, But I think your homeland is not on this land like the others but there among clouds where your kingdom there beside to the moon because the moon smiles when he sees you, When you appear the sun shines in my life, Do you know why? Because your heart is pure like that clouds.

About The Nature

Really the beauty of nature is very strange due to the diversity which includes many elements and factors that make you stand to watch and then to meditate it for a moment you will find tenderness in flowers and greatness in the trees but the mountains you feel some little with a fear, And feel like you are not willing to be alone among the mountains, But if you meditate that you will discover that it's really amazing.

Friday, 22 August 2014

The Beauty Of The Nature

Really the beauty of nature is very strange which includes many elements that make you stand before to meditate it for a moment you will find tenderness in flowers and greatness in the trees but the mountains you feel some little with a fear, and feel like you're not willing to be alone among the mountains, but if you meditate there really it's amazing

My Friends

                                                                                                                                            Dear my friends
I'm really happy to see you in this blog which i hope collect all my meditations and my thoughts maybe in one day someone read it and change something in this world to better maybe this happen in our present or in the future it's not important for to be famous writer but I will be happy when I see many friends believe with that.

The Universe

How I can feel everything in the universe? It's difficult question for me because I think about the relation between our souls and this universe...... And we are in our bodies we cannot feel just some of the things in that nature, but when our souls will be liberated wandering everywhere in this great universe will we feel we can travel in time and space will inhabit the high mountains and the depths of the ocean   ..... Will live in absolute freedom

I Like It

(I'm.....What I'm if you don't like me.........Turn your head and walk a way
...........................Simple as that.....................................
This is not my thought but i like that)

I like this wisdom because I discovered I should do what I believe with it to find my happiness ……… 
Just do what you love

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The Bridge

I will leave this place forever
I will cross the bridge there
I can't find the happiness here
Maybe find it after the bridge
I need the kindness around me
i still young to feel with that
I don't need miracle in my life
Just the happiness without pain
The angels told me about that
I will find the heaven there
Just cross the bridge there
So i will cross the bridge for that
I will leave this place forever


2013 for me was like that girl i waited it and i think it will be wonderful and fulfilled all my dreams and my ambitions and I will find it's reason to make me happy till the end I think I will find the source of happiness for me and those around me, but for the last moment in which I am still looking for happiness and freedom from my restrictions and my worries but unfortunately became like that girl who lost something in her life so she became sad and her smile disappeared

The Sunset Again

Always i wait the sunset to find the peace and the quite for my soul because all the times i feel with stress in my life which gives me the feeling with lonely in this world but when i look at the sun during the sunset i feel my pains leave me with the sunset to find the salvation for my soul at least in the night but in the next morning the sadness born with the sunrise again to fill my life even i can see the sunset again

My Peace

In this place i will find peace with my soul because i will find myself alone in the nature without greed or malice from humans just everything is quite to give me space for meditation and discover myself as human when be free from my mistakes when i feel with this beauty in this place


Dear my friends
Unfortunately i blocked for 14 days so i can't share my posts so i'm really sad about that but i have one hope and one wish which is my friends share my posts in every site if you see that deserve that my friends......Thanks for all my friends


Top ten countries for my blog and really i wish seeing all friends from all the world visit my blog and follow it to read more posts for me if you like that

  1. Egypt                  2381
  2. USA                   1311
  3. Poland                  148
  4. Romania                 63
  5. Germany                34
  6. India                      20
  7. Pakistan                 19
  8. Italy                       17
  9. Australia                16
  10. Kuwait                  16
Thanks for all my friends

Small Island

Sometimes i feel my life like a very small island surrounded by the water just to stand alone with dry tree only there.......There is no anything with me to help me to survive even the sun i can't find it and through passing the time i feel with dark comes to cover my small island ......... Sometimes i see small boat beside my small island and i think this is the hope in my life but i can't use it because i can't see the way to escape from all that just water in every place....... I have no choice except the waiting maybe someone remember me

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Your Smile

My baby how can i describe my feelings when i look to your eyes and see my future and my childhood in your reactions with me because everything you do like me when i was a child...I see my memories in your smile...Just i think you're great gift from Allah to live another day to see you my daughter

My Honey

My honey here in this moment i feel i own this life and my way to happiness and love , sure i will never feel again with sadness because i found my love in your eyes and hear your heart beats with my name when i hold you now.....Baby just look to my eyes to discover the heaven in this land sure this heaven will be in my heart..Baby

Just Dream

When i'm alone i think in one thing which is how can i escape from this noise because i feel i'm not human just machine work full time without feelings just wake up to do the same things in everyday but when i'm alone i have one dream maybe will still dream but when i close my eyes i can find myself there beside the lake to catch the fish and my dog sit beside me to wait me to play together ........ There my wooden house among the amazing colors of flowers which surrounded it ...... There i can sleep among roses under the sun...... There i can close my eyes with smile ......... Any way it's just dream in my life

في البستان

كنت في البستان مستلقيا.......فغفوت تحت ظل الشجرة
فوجدت الورود تتراقص والزهور........تتشكل بألوانها صورا متحركة
والشجيرات تتمايل راقصتا..........فهبيت واقفا من مكاني قائلا
ماذا تفعلون وهل يعقل ما أري....أخذن ينظرن لبعضهن قائلاتن
وهل أنت ترانا وتري مانفعلة.......نعم أنا ناظرا وهل أنا حالما
... وكيف أسمع نغمات الطيور؟........وأري رقصات الورود هل جننت؟
أبتسمت الشجيرات وحملتني......قائلة لست حالما بل أنت مجذوب
أبشر فأنت راهب عشقا طاهر.....أصبحت ناسك وكل تللك الورود لك
أنشرها بين مريديك وعلمهم.......ألا يدبحون ورودك و الزهور يسقونها
وعانق الطيور المغردة وقبلها........حتي من أجنحتهم تصنع جناحيك
عند كل مغيب أطلق جناحيك....... وأحضن شمس المغيب بورودك
علم كل من أصابة السهم...........أن يطبب جرح فؤادة بعطر ورودك
أصنع من قوس قزحك بوابات.......النصر لكل من ألتقي بحبيبة فرحا
أستيقظت من الغفلة بجوار.........الشجرة ولم أجد غير عصفورا يغرد

حباْ في إبني يوسف

حبا في إبني يوسف
كنت دائما أشعر أن لي رفيق......سيخرج من ظهري معانقا صدري
كنت أعلم أن لي رفيقا قادما.......يسكن قلبي وقلبي بة دافئا
أشعر بأنفاسة في أنفاسي........ولمعان عينية يسكن مقلتي
وأحلام الطفولة تغازلني بك.........حبيبي فأنت مأربي وهوايا
أخترت أسمك وأنا بة مغرما.........وقلت هذا ملاكي يوسف
أول لقائي بك متباكيا وغاضبا......وقد حضنتك والفؤاد يتزلزل
هذا يوسف سيكون يوما...........فتيا يحمل الهموم عني متبسما
يوسف سوف أملأ الدنيا حبا......حتي يكون للحب أسم يوسف
إبني وحبيبي يوسف..............مرت سنين وأنا في حبك عاشقا
لم يبقي من أنواع الحب ..........سوي حبك أنت وأختك في القلب
تمر أيامي وتغبوا شمسي.........وقمرك يسطع ينير حياتي ومن حولها
حبيبي عندما تكبر تذكر............يوما تقف علي قبري قائلا متذكرا
هنا يسكن رجلا أحبني............وأهداني من سهر الليالي عمرة
تذكر يوسف فأنت الحبيب..........ولن يكون غيرك أنت الحبيب المهيمن

يا صديقي

صديقي أين أنت صديقي.......مررت بالجوار أسأل عنك
ووجد البيت مظلما كئيبا........فقلت أين صديقي فلم أجدة
أين ضحكات وصراخ أطفالة...... البيت مظلم كأنة بيت أشباح
جلست بجوار بيتة أنتظرة.....أترقب المارة والأطفال لعلي أفهم
بحثت جليا في أعين الناس..... والناس تنظر لي كحال البائس
الشمس كانت تسطع ............ والآن الليل يزحف بأشباحة
تقدم مني رجل يحدثني..........لما أنت هنا؟ تنتظر صديقك؟
وكيف عرفت هذا أخي؟........... أبتسم قائلا صديقك في القبور
وأطفالة تبكي وتنوح................ولن تسمع لهم ضحكات ولاصراخ
أكمل دربك وحيدا بدونة........... فأنت قادم لا محالة نحو القبور
تذكر دائما أنك قادم لدي...........وقبرك بجوار صديقك ينتظرك
فأعبث وأنشد ترانيم فرحك........ لأني أراك من بعيد تبكي
أمس كان صديقك وأطفالة.........وغدا لك أنت وحدك

The God

God has created in us a sense of beauty, but there are many concepts and different beauty Many thought that the word beauty only for women in the sense of physical and spiritual as well, but there is another kind when it feels like it is the beauty of nature makes cleansed internally from all the bad ideas and works on the purity of your heart and your mind and feel for others makes you a human being balanced in everything

My homeland

The Moon will be my homeland
This is my feeling from long time
Ya i wait the moon to complete
Because i can hear it's silence
It's light in the sky like a soul
I can see my home and my dreams
It will be close to take me forever
Someday it will be close to the land
I will leave my pains behind my back
The moon will give me the power to fly
There i will find my dreams again
The moon will be my homeland
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Within Your Eyes

Sometimes i can't understand your eyes because your eyes like a sea full of the secrets .......In every time i feel with the different feeling sometimes with the love and sometimes with the challenge.......When i look at your eyes i try to discover these secrets but i can't and you don't tell me why all this the depth in your eyes which make me in confusion about my feelings too......In every moment i search about the happiness within it but unfortunately i find the challenge ...... Just be simple in your feelings to find my love within my eyes too

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

In The Winter

In the days of winter when the weather is very cold and the snow covers everything and can not find the sun on the horizon and feel to sit by the fireplace to feel the warmth of your hands and read a wonderful book about the myths makes you feel energetic, this wonderful thing which makes me love winter days


Everyday i wait the sunset
To find my soul beside it
To remember my memories
The sunset will take my pains
There i will find my happiness
There i will find the freedom
I will wait the salvation alone
One day i will leave with it
Maybe i find the heaven there
Just dream in my mind everyday
Everyday i wait the sunset

The Penguin

The most beautiful in the Penguin It's like a child looking for play and fun and always carries a wonderful emotions inside toward others and when he grows up based home and family and embraces his children and shared happiness and fun , you feel that there are entire families share in everything, making them a more civilized than humans

Monday, 18 August 2014

In The Countryside

It is rare to see all this beauty in a single image gathering things I feel comfortable with it and tranquility so the flowers represent something inside me to release my soul to fly among the flowers like a butterfly by looking for beauty and the sea is my friend who tell him my secrets and tales about my life

Like A Baby

Love like a baby is born the confluence of two hearts on the bridge of love when generates a weak care needs of the parties and as the days and years passed , Love through their marriage, home, family and pass them difficult situations , pain , joy and happiness becomes a love like young strong getting stronger until the end of the age where you see in your partner is not like the old, but still in his first time when I met him on the bridge of love

In The Far East

In the Far East, we find that life there is still very simple like a nature and the people still have many secrets and mystery you can feel with that when you look in the faces of people feel simple but carry thousands of years of integration with nature to find that as mother with her child they have the secrets of nature inside the minds and hearts not easy to understand this relation but you can just feel


Gypsy those that I see every day going with her roses in her way to the market for selling these roses and her hair flowing over her shoulders ....Her eyes full of wild desire to make all men are awaiting her arrival even look in her eyes and poets write songs in her magic beauty to around in the night and hear singers when sing these songs to enjoy their hearts

Isolated Island

I hope to find an isolated island where I live and forget the past of my life, only there are no restrictions or obligations nor worries make you not sleep afraid of tomorrow do not feel including around you frequent only think there is freedom and integration with nature to do what you want to find meditation and calm there is only with your soul


Actually i didn't do what i wished in my life maybe i have talent but i didn't use it to find my soul because i chose the wrong way from the first so i feel i'm alone in my way........Every day i do many things i don't like it and in same time i haven't chance to change it which build many partitions around me every day ....... I tried to change it but i couldn't so i still in my way alone with light to find happiness in my life

So Bad

Many of us want do many things in our life and sometimes we wish live with different way but we can't do that because of many reasons in our life so always we have internal tension about that....... Sometimes we dream do many things but still just dreams within our minds maybe due to the complicated life which deprive us from the pleasure ....... I can imagine every one walks with huge chain from worries which make him without feelings in his life ...... It's so bad to discover that you can't do what do you like in your life

Sunday, 17 August 2014

My Memories

I hold my memories at the time of the sunset towards the sea next to the marina where I find my boat and I remember my baby, when we sit together in the boat waiting for the sunset time even tell the sun before it leaves us about our love and warm feelings to be witness about this moment when i tell my baby i will not forget her and will love her forever

Just Fly

Just fly in your skies my baby
Just close your eyes to fly afar
Open your arms to have the wings
You will find the happiness there
In your skies you will find your soul
Forget your sadness and your pains
You will find your salvation there
Touch the heaven by your wings
Angels will follow you forever
There no fears just smiles there
Just fly in your skies my baby


When i look at your eyes in every time
I find something different in every time
I can feel with your love for my heart
I can touch your feelings for my soul
Just close my eyes to touch your hand
Just dream with you smile for me
Your eyes like flowers in my life
I can see the sun shines within it
In every moment i can find something
When i look at your eyes in every time


صديقي أين أنت صديقي.......مررت بالجوار أسأل عنك
ووجد البيت مظلما كئيبا........فقلت أين صديقي فلم أجدة
أين ضحكات وصراخ أطفالة...... البيت مظلم كأنة بيت أشباح
جلست بجوار بيتة أنتظرة.....أترقب المارة والأطفال لعلي أفهم
بحثت جليا في أعين الناس..... والناس تنظر لي كحال البائس
الشمس كانت تسطع ............ والآن الليل يزحف بأشباحة
تقدم مني رجل يحدثني..........لما أنت هنا؟ تنتظر صديقك؟
وكيف عرفت هذا أخي؟........... أبتسم قائلا صديقك في القبور
وأطفالة تبكي وتنوح................ولن تسمع لهم ضحكات ولاصراخ
أكمل دربك وحيدا بدونة........... فأنت قادم لا محالة نحو القبور
تذكر دائما أنك قادم لدي...........وقبرك بجوار صديقك ينتظرك
فأعبث وأنشد ترانيم فرحك........ لأني أراك من بعيد تبكي
أمس كان صديقك وأطفالة.........وغدا لك أنت وحدك

another Sunset

Sunset when I see it in the countryside I feel a sense of different ... I feel that wonderful day is over and we are waiting on another wonderful coming holds the simplicity , happiness , activity and laugh again ....In the evening inside our rural house holds warmth and happiness among the family members at dinner time to hear tales of the rest of the family and sleep early with fantastic smile without thinking and concerns only a wonderful sleep to live another wonderful day.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Our Dreams

In our dreams we can't see everything like a real life because our dreams just refelctions about our feelings and our internal tensions so all times we wish imagination what we want but unfortunately in the most times our dreams became worst from our real life

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Our Way

Our life like a long way maybe we can find it full of roses and flowers which means you are lucky because you find the love and the happiness or we can find our way like the desert just sands and rocks which means you have pains and sadness like a nightmare but you can't escape from it ........ But we can change that if we want that through our dreams become true through our resolve and our determination we can create the flowers in our way

The Candle

Love in our life like a candle which light our lives with the dim light to give us a wonderful romantic conditions for our souls.... love is not emotional or like the raging sea ... Love should be quiet like the light of the candle to be stronger, deeper and longer-lived ....Just deal with love like a small child to give him all the care it needs even grow in our hearts...Just be reason for happiness to your partner 


جلست بجوارة أنشد الراحة..........أغمض عيني حتي أستأنس بة
فقلت في نفسي أنت نفسي.......جئت طالب السكينة منك
فأنت خزينة أسراري ومنبع أفكاري.....صديقي هل ستبخل علي؟
أنقلب حالة من جال إلي حال......وذاد صخبة وهدير صوتة في القلوب
مال بك صديق وأنت رفيقي وخليلي.....من باعد بيننا حتي أشعر منك الهجر
فأمواجك دائما حضنا للأحزاني وسكناتي..... وأصواتك صريخ آلامي وأهاتي
فإذا كان رضاك هو ا أحضاني للأمواجك......فمرحبا بالموت وأنا في حضنك حبيبي

The Window

Behind every window you can imagine story maybe it's title happiness or sadness ... Maybe find Mom tell her kids amazing tales before sleeping.... Maybe find someone alone search about the warmth feelings ... Maybe find someone missed some lover and sit beside window to remember his memories ...Behind the windows you can find diversity feelings

Just Remember

Remember this moment forever
When i said i love you my baby
When i touched your hand to kiss it
When i said do you marry me ?
In this moment i found my partner
I saw our children around us
I liked all my children like you
In this moment i found my soul
Just remember this moment forever

The Poor

I wonder of luxury food in hotels and weddings , that flaunted by people and lavish lifestyle at the same time we see children eat from the garbage so they can live and live on the streets and famine in developing and poor countries, Rich countries spend on wars up enough to make the whole of humanity in happiness , I wonder about who blame me on what I write, saying their Dad Mom the reason for this ... I think our consciences still in the graves until now

The Sea

Yes, I love the sea at sunset, and I find him as a friend I talk to him, but I'm afraid in the night especially in the dark nights when i find myself in the middle of the sea I feel like a death fills all over the place and I will die a lonely and would not I see the light again, sometimes I feel like I will find something mysterious in the sea like a mermaid sits on the rock combing her hair and call me a mysterious voice in order to sit beside her forever

Friday, 15 August 2014


أحزاني تقتلني وسلاسل القيد تؤذيني....... أود أطلق العنان لكلماتي وأحزاني
أود أن أفتح أزهار أفكاري وأحلامي...............أطلقوا سراحي من حولي وأهجروني
إتركوني لأحلامي وأحزاني وهمساتي..........اتركوني لصمتي وأنكساري ووحدتي
كفاني غربة بينكم أحبابي كفاكم ...............تمزيق من تبقي من طفولتي
أطلقوا عناني لسمواتي ونجماتي...............كم أشتقت لطيور المغيب المغردة
لماذا تثقلوني بكل تللك السلاسل؟.............لما أغوص في أعماقا سوداء ا مظلمة
هل تحبوني من أحببت ترابكم ؟..................يامن رسمت لكم البسمة من دموعي
يامن قتلت الأمل و الحلم في جوفي ............ألم تري الحب في عيني ولمست دفيء
كفاكم تمزيقا في جسدي كفاكم.................. صراعا علي ماتبقي من حلمي
أنا جسدا بلا روح وسماءا بلا شمس..............وإنطفيء القمر مع آخر دقات قلبي
إهجروني من أحببتكم حتي تعود..................الطيور لتحي سكنات روحي
تمنوا لي أحلاما جديدة داخل جسد.............لم يبقي منة سوي إبتسامة فقط