Friday, 31 October 2014

In the same place

The book (About The Life Part I)
My baby if you still remember our favorite place I will wait you in the same place and the same table, I will never change my habits which related to our love which give me good reason to wait you and continue my life for my love. Always I will have special flower every day for you like last time in this place when you decided to leave me without return when you decided to leave  my heart without reason. I can’t forget this moment when you broke my heart without real reason but I know you will never do that and my heart told she is angel and she will back to recovery break my heart because we are one soul with two wings. My baby I can’t live without my soul so I will wait you to give me the life again. My baby don’t forget your promise me we will live together in our magic world on the moon, my heart told me you will back again and I will wait you until my last day, even my hair become gray I will wait you.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Just follow me

Dear My friends

I would like to follow my blog to be follower for my blog which help me to get more friends also to be official blog on Google web site so if you can do that i will appreciate that because this will push me to more success if you think i deserve that. Finally thanks for every one give me like or comment or follow my meditations.
Your friend
Mohammed Abdeltawab

The value of happiness for me

The book ( About The Life Part I)
The meaning of happiness for me like this little girl has a wonderful smile sense of nature and fun for the happiness only, optimism fills the eyes and her look of love for the future just without pains or sorrow, the happiness like this little girl when she shares the others in everything to find more happiness and pleasure to learn the adults how we can find our happiness with others not with ourselves only, the children in my life are a symbols or candles of the happiness that I can touch and feel it around me even in the darkest nights in my life. Yes in every moment I search about the happiness to escape from all stress and I can touch my beginning to this way through their eyes which like a gate to another world I can find angels there with me without worries or sorrows so I would like to spend the rest of my life with them to see everything with clarity. Just pleasure and happiness. Just dreams and wishes there with these children.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Among my ribs

The book (About The Life Part I)
I will dedicate my heart so that when I find you, I still keep my emotions like the river runs to give you the life. My feelings are pure like the snow without sins because I still keep with my humanity. Baby I will dedicate the power which lives among my ribs which is my pure heart created by hands of the angels of love is filled with emotions that were not known before. So I have embedded conceptual about my love will be like the heaven which we can live there with angels of love. Just search about me to find all my sensations about the love but you should have the same heart to find me within all people. I’m simple man but this man has a great heart like angels. When you look at my eyes you will know me. I will wait you to give you all these feelings to find your way to the happiness. In this moment you will be my soul when you accept my heart.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

The bridge

I will leave this place forever
I will cross the bridge there
I can't find the happiness here
Maybe find it after the bridge
I need the kindness around me
i still young to feel with that
I don't need miracle in my life
Just the happiness without pain
The angels told me about that
I will find the heaven there
Just cross the bridge there
So i will cross the bridge for that
I will leave this place forever

Mohammed Abdeltawab

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Our pictures

The book (About The Life part I)
My friend today when I search in my old things I found our pictures. Indeed I meditated it for long time to remember many things which we liked it and we lost it with many things like our innocence. Today I discovered I missed many awesome things from our childhood but I still I have our pictures. I found old album where I still keep with our pictures in our childhood I still remember our memories when we found our way to happiness and our dreams. In these pictures I found our smiles and your flower which you were dedicating it for me every day to put this flower within my hair. Now I don’t know anything about you and sure you will never read these words about our memories but I still keep with your smile within my heart like these pictures because I still remember our heaven. May be you still in this heaven with your smiles and your flowers where you find your eternal happiness with your angels. I know I left this heaven from long time to pass in my life through the hell. I will not forget your pure heart when you touch my tears to remove the sadness from eyes.  Really I missed you from long time but I still keep with my feelings when you meet me with your smile and your eyes which were shining like crystals. I still remember when you run to hold me to tell me in my ear. I missed you my friend. I’m here for you don’t forget that and my heart will be for you forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

The full moon

The book (About The life part I)
I like to wait the moon when it is full, because I feel that it is complete for me only. I think the moon celebrates with me to feel me I’m here for you only not for anyone other. Maybe the moon can touch my soul and feels with my feelings, just like we are in a romantic meeting it shows in the best picture of it as well as I wear the most beautiful what I have from clothes to see me like a queen. I wait the moon to tell me (you are my best friend and my love forever) , In this night I feel the moon very close to the earth to tell the moon everything about my broken heart maybe the moon can feel with me and takes me one day there with it to live within its heart like a great diamond to compensate me about my suffering Forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

I wait you every morning

The book ( About The Life Part I)
Every morning I sit near to my balcony to open my eyes about beautiful flowers in our garden and to watch the light of the sun fills the place with pleasure where I can hear the birds when these birds sing among the trees. In the early morning I would like to read my favorite book about famous love stories which you dedicate it as a first gift with my favorite rose for me , every morning I wait this moment when you pass near to my balcony to see you like this sun in my life, such as every morning to dedicate my favorite red rose which I wait it every day to touch your fingers my love plus your smile when you tell me that this morning will be a wonderful morning because you saw me today, I can’t tell you with my feelings in this moment which is very special for me, really I hope the time stop forever when you pass close to me to touch your hand forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

I wait you every Night

The book ( About The Life Part I)
In every night in the same place and on the same rock near to the sea I sit to watch all ships which come to the port. I sit waiting for the ship which comes every night to ask all passengers about you maybe I find someone tells me more tales about you. Every night I pray to my Allah to achieve my wish in this night maybe this ship will tell me something about you or someone gives me a letter from my love to me. Although I did not receive any letter since your decision to sail. I’m not desperate because  my heart tells me that someday would find letter is coming with those ships, someone will tell me you still love me and you will never forget me, someone will tell me that the yearning to me more than all the oceans so I will be back again to you.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

I'm your Lover

The book ( About The Life Part I)
How can I look within your eyes and touch this depth?. I’m not diver to discover your depth and I’m not expert to describe your eyes, you have all types of the magic in your eyes and your heart like a temple many hermits knock on its door every day.  How can I resist although I fond of those eyes?. Really I can’t because I would like to be follower for you in every place because I see the sun too follow you in every place. Can I say my baby for you? I think no because my heart can't bear more shocks. I have weak heart to endure your feelings and I satisfy with your glances for me. I’m not optimistic to wish someday you can feel with my sensations about you so I can't tell you my secrets about your love or open my heart for more shocks because I’m just simple lover in your temple.  How can I feel you with my love although you have a lot of lovers say poems in your eyes and I'm like young child forgets his words in front of you, baby.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

My Honey

The book ( About The Life Part I)
My honey here in this moment I feel I own this life and my way to happiness and love. Indeed I can’t describe my feelings about this moment. I would like to exclaim to tell all lovers I found my love and my way to the heaven. Now I can see my way with clarity within your eyes. Just give me your adaptability to find this way in every moment. Just give me your smile to delete all pains which I found it in my life before I found you. Sure I will never feel again with sadness or grief because I found my love within your eyes and I heart your heart beats with my name when I hold you now. In your way I will implant the flowers on the both sides to see it’s bloom in the morning to feel with pleasure and remember me and my love. My honey you will find your warmth within my hugs like me too. If you will accept my love forever I will give you my like a flower to feel with my heart when it beats you’re your name. Baby just look at my eyes to discover the heaven on this land sure just cross my bridge to this heaven will be in my heart. Baby.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

In the first time

The book ( About The Life Part I)
I was waiting on the platform for the train which comes from the east where I wait my friend to meet him and take him to my house.  I didn't expect to see the most beautiful woman in the world comes out of the train I felt I see the moon like full moon comes out from this train. In this moment I forgot my friend, when she passed close to me and smelled her perfume.  Really I can't move or even look to my friend  because my soul went with her and left me alone to think about what I saw it’s real or the sun stroke me. I felt I lost my mind for a second and my heart beats with strong way even when my friend came and caught my shoulder.  I didn't feel with him and I didn't hear any word from him to me.  Suddenly I went toward to her and I said to her…… Please I have question for you my lady ….. She looked to me and said what your question is? ... I said….. Do I see an angel stand in front of me or that I had died and went to Paradise? ) she smiled to me and then she went on her way again without answer for my question.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

موعد مع الغربة

موعدُ معَ الغربةِ أشعَرُ بها ............... كنتُ ظنتُ أني قابعُاْ في مكاني
كنتُ أشعرُ أني أسكنُ الوطن ..........كنتُ أملكُ كل ذكرياتي وأحلامي
المكانُ والناسُ وأولادي....................ورياحُ النسيمُ تُذكُرني بأحلامي
كنتُ أهربُ من همومي................... بضَحكاتي مع أولادي ورفاقي

اليوم وغداْ سأصبح غريب.................سأسكنُ دُروباْ غير دروبي
لن يكونَ لي رفاقاْ أو أحباب.............سأجلسُ وحيداْ في غُربَتي
سوفَ تُقلعَ الشجرةُ من أرضها..........وتسكنُ أرضاْ غيرَ أرضي
كانت لي آلاماْ وأحزاناْ وأفراح............واليوم سيبقي الشوق وحنيني
ظللتُ العمرَ وحيداْ مُتأملاْ...................وغداْ الوحدةُ سوفَ تكون رفيقي
كُتبت علينا اقداراْ نخطوها.................واليوم وغداْ غُربَتاْ بالقدرِ تكفيني
ها قد جئتُ وليس بيدي ...................ولا أمُلكُ من الدُنيا سوي دُعائي
الرفاقُ والأهلُ والعائلة .....................وغُربتاْ سوفَ يدفعُها أولادي
أحنُ إليكَ من الآن يا وطني...............وأبوابكَ أقُبلها بدموعي ونحيبي
الأمسُ كانت أفراحاْ وأحلام...............وغداْ أشباحاْ من الغُربة ترافقني


تتطلعت إلية وهوا بجوار الحائط ساكناْ
والشيب قد لاح بين خصلات شعرة معبراْ
إبتسم إلي قائلاْ كيف حالك رفيقي
تبسمت قائلاْ حالي كحال خصلات شعرك

اتتذكر حالي وحالك كيف بدأنا سوياْ
وكيف أنساك ياعمري وأنت لي ملازماْ
كنا قد بدأنا سوياْ صغاراْ نتشابك ونتلاعب
وضحكاتنا وإبتساماتنا تمليء كل أفراحنا
كنت أراك تكبر أمامي كزهرة يانعة
كنت أرجوك أن تهديء ولاتسرع في دربك
كم قولت لك مامضي لن يعود ولن يبقي شيء
براءة طفولتنا ونشوة شبابنا ستفارقنا بلاشك
تركتني في قدري ساكناْ وقفزت أنت للسماء
توهمت أنك وحدك ملكاْ متوجاْ لكل الأقدار
وأن كل الساعات والأزمان سوف تتوقف لك
كفانا عبثاْ ويكفي ماتبقي لنا من أحلامنا
فدعنا نسير في الدرب متكئين علي ذكرياتنا
فدربنا محكوماْ بنهايتة لي ولك ياعمري

Old Cairo

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I)
When you walk in the streets of Old Cairo you can feel like you are going in the pages of a history book, you feel the time has returned back  for many hundreds years, You will see alleys and narrow streets which full of old industries in small stores,you can feel that going among the Mamluks who are riding their horses with their swords and shields to go to the royal palace , you can imagine that in this place was a market maids and huge old Masjids which you can hear the voice of the holly Quran and someone call prayers, really it's amazing sense when you find you in this place in old Cairo.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

I Live For You

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I )
My baby how can I live after these tears from your eyes? I just live for you only, to create awesome world full of the happiness and love for you, , All my blood redemption for this tear , Really I wished losing my eyesight before seeing these tears from your eyes , Just look to me to see I will open my chest to get out my heart to give you it as gift and just remember after my death this heart it was love you  and I try to make my soul like a candle to light your way to the pleasure, my existence in this life to create the happiness just for you only not for me.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Special Request

Dear My friends

I would like to follow my blog to be follower for my blog which help me to get more friends also to be official blog on Google web site so if you can do that i will appreciate that because this will push me to more success if you think i deserve that. Finally thanks for every one give me like or comment or follow my meditations.
Your friend
Mohammed Abdeltawab

The Family

The book ( Just My Meditations  Part I)
Now in these days the meaning of the family is not related to your parents or your family but you can find more members not humans but they have something we miss that in our life, these members not ask you about anything except your feelings to give  you real treasures of the feelings about the love and friendship, these members share you in all moments of the happiness and the sadness, they don’t need anything just the love just consider them a partner in your family, I remember my friend in my childhood, my favorite dog which called Jack I still remember him because I have many memories about him.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Monday, 27 October 2014

Love Key

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I )
The Love is not the key to the heart, the love created in order to live within the heart so every heart has private key which is different from the heart to another example the key maybe the  warm feelings or manhood or gallantry or a sense of security or just for nothing without reason, this key opens the heart to allow the love lives within the heart as a baby but the key isn't responsible about continuous to all this baby  grows and grows to become mature enough to find strong relation can faces the life forever to build the golden bridge between two souls to find the love forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

I Wander

The book (Just My Meditations Part I )
I wonder of luxury food in hotels and the wedding parties, that flaunted by people and lavish lifestyle at the same time we can see many children eat from the garbage so they can live and live on the streets with homeless and famine in developing and poor countries, in another side we can find the rich countries spend on wars up enough to make the whole of humanity in state of happiness , I wonder about who blame me on what I write, saying their parents the main reason for that,  I think our consciences still in the graves until now.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Behind Her Window

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
Always every day I see her behind her window, she covers her face with a pink scarf, I felt she stands to see me only with the same sensation like me when I pass beside her window in my way every day,  I tried many times to see her eyes and read what's inside it but I could not until one day I approached to her window, my heart pushed me to be closing to her window to asked her, can you give me a glass of water?, She told me she is blind and she can’t  help me, I fasted for a moment , I try to think what can I do ?, I went on my way again.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

I Afraid Of The Sea

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
Yes, I love the sea at sunset, I find the sea as a good friend, I can talk to him and tell him many things about my life, but I'm afraid in the night especially in the dark nights when I find myself in the middle of the sea I feel like a death fills all over the place and I feel the ghosts scream to attract my soul to go with them and I will die a lonely and would not I see the light again, sometimes I feel like I will find something mysterious in the sea like a mermaid sits on the rock to comb her long hair and sing to call me through her  mysterious voice in order to sit beside her forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Be Human

The book (Just My Meditations Part I )
It is not easy to keep a human being and not easy to feel for others and support them, even by one word just ask yourself one question to understand your feelings about the others, really I’m human and still I have heart beats with the goodness?,you deserve all these gifts from Allah ?, is not easy to find yourself treat others like yourself, regardless of gender, color or race in order to be a human being you are not need principles of religion or belief or faith to push you to do that just be human to do all that , Allah created instinctively to love others and to help them and to draw the happiness on their faces just be a human being.

 Mohammed Abdeltawab

سوف نبكي

سوف نبكي علي أحلامُنا..................ولت بين أطياف زماننا
سوف نبكي علي طفولتنا .................والتي تاهت بين أحزاننا
سوف نبكي علي إبتساماتنا ..............التي لم يبقي منها شيء
كنت أظن أن الضحكةُ ساكنة ........... بين خلجات قلبي وشفاهنا
أصبح العمر كلة ذكريات ................ تبدو حزينة داخل عقولنا
كانت لي أحلام وضحكات .................مثل باقي البشرتسكن نفوسنا
أصبحنا نغلق أبواب حجراتنا ........... ونكتم الصرخة بداخل عقولنا
نبكي بدون دموع أو آهة ................ فقط لأننا رجالاْ ولا يجب البكاء
أشتاق لإبتساماتي وضحكاتي .......... والفرحُ قد فارقني في آخر وداع
سوف نبكي مثل الأطفال ................. لأننا أصبحنا مثلا الشموع بلا نار
ليس لي غداْ أو حاضر ................... ولكن لي ماضي يملأ كل الأماكن

سوف نبكي ونبكي ونبكي ................حتي نهاية العمر علي كل الأشياء

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Your Responsibility

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I)
When you feel you are still a child and wish to be like any child have normal life, when you think  you have parents to be responsible about everything in your life, but suddenly you became responsible for another child and you with him in the wind without a family or a source of livelihood , in this moment the spring will disappear to find the winter without the sun, you will feel that life are only dogs fierce trying to eat you and other child and see at the same time happiness within the eyes of others and find Companion Animals and you die every day a hundred back in the day to find something to eat it.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Shapes Of The Love

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
Love has many shapes and species, regarding to our ages and the power of love, but the strongest and deepest love is love after marriage I think that,  when the time pass and discover a  many years you spend it with your partner in state of  love, including the events of the happiness and the sadness to find this love grows slowly, but it will be as deep as the iceberg in the ocean and you feel at the end of the matter is that the love between two souls who met in the sky of their own just there is no anyone can't feel with that except them due to many moments of the love.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Their Challenges

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
There are a lot of people their lives just about great challenge all the time, they created to face that and maybe they die without anyone knows something about that, maybe because of they live out of human civilization, they do not have anything just only the hope that tomorrow will be better, They know very well maybe tomorrow will be more bad or they will miss themselves or their loved ones because of the lack of any help them through simple things we can do it to find the chance to feel them with safety, so you can see the sadness in their eyes,you can feel with their hearts which inhabited by fears and the hope.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Starvation

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
I hate to watch the news especially when I see many children suffer from lack of food and they live in starvation in Africa and the extent of suffering in order to get a piece of bread to be able to live only for tomorrow, these children haven’t hope in the future their target how they can find some food, On the other side I see people have a lot of money to keep with lions and Tigers in their homes which eat huge amounts of meats every day and a number of luxury cars is enough for them to feed those children and draw a smile on their lips and build more houses and schools for these children,I think we lost our conscience from long time.
 Mohammed Abdeltawab

Near To You

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I)
I can feel with the happiness only near to you, and this is good reason to continue my life to the end, I feel in all moments of happiness and love, I can find the happiness only near to you and this is the secret of your beauty, The love created to live in my heart for you because I can’t love any woman otherwise you, sometimes I fear for my joy and sometimes this happiness will not live forever within my heart, Sometimes I fear for my future,  what if I lost your love how can I live without you ?, I don't want the future but I want the present only to be near to you forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

The Time

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
The moments of sadness always are very bleak and we feel the time stop to maximize our feelings with pains and sadness, it’s like a nightmare we can’t leave it, I said before the moments of happiness a few and quick but the moments of sadness are very strong , violent and very slow,  Always we feel the sadness will come and it's place in our mind ready to keep with its memories before the sadness happen, it’s human nature we keep with more places for the sadness,  We wish closing our eyes even we don't feel with the time and the sadness but the sadness always live within our hearts till the death.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Thursday, 23 October 2014


The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
Sometime we have a moments pass through our life like dreams, we feel we come out our physical state to more bigger horizon we don't find anyone except our souls between the dream and vigilance or between the reality perception and escaping from it, In this moment we feel our life became just memories or like illusions within our minds and we wish going to the horizon to see the sun's light to find the relaxation for every part within our minds, we feel the time stopped in this moment,  There is no any tangible thing or something we can touch it just our souls.
Mohammed Abdeltawab .com

Your Breaths

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
The love for me is near to you, I can discover all the meanings within your eyes,  I see your smile like a light of the sun which gives me the warmth and the hope,  I look at your eyes to find it like a stars shines for my warming feelings, I will be beside to you to find your perfume within my breaths to live together with my soul,  I need feeling with your breaths for your love grow up in my heart,  I will miss you even I touch your features with my hand,  I will feel with my presence through your words and your hints about the love for me because always you will be my love.
Mohammed Abdeltawab


Always you will be my dream or my angel who I see afar
Always I will feel with your presence around my place
Always I can't touch you because you are an angel my baby
Always I will sight your smile like star shines and disappears 
Always your love will be like mirage in my desert forever
Always you will be my dream to find the hope near to me
 Always I will forget my sadness where you live my baby
Always think of me to find my way to the happiness

Always just remember me to feel I still alive within all that
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Like A Desert

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
Sometimes  in critical situations we feel our life became without light, we feel our life became like a desert,  Everything dies within it with the time and everyone who shares us becomes like a lost in it and will die by the end, But something we can create it with our hands to be like a water flow and then this line of water grow and grow up to be like a river in this desert so you can find the plants and trees grow again around this river to create new life full of happiness and love in our life, This river will be the hope which gives us everything even our feelings died.
Mohammed Abdeltawab


أحزاني تقتُلني وسلاسلُ القَيدُ تُؤذيني........................ أودُ أن أطلقَ العنانُ لأحزاني
أودُ أن أفتحَ أزهارَ أفكاري وأحلامي................................أطلقوا سَراحي وأهَجروني
إتركوني لأحٍلامي وأحزاني وهَمساتي.......................اتركوني لصمتي وأنكساري 
كَفاني غُربةَ بينكم أحبابي كفاكم ................................تمزيق من تبقي من طُفولتي

 أطلقوا عناني لسَماواتي ونجماتي..............................كم أشتقتُ لطيور المغيبٍ المغردةٍ
لماذا تثقلونني بُكل تٍلك السلاسل؟..............................لماذا أغوصُ في أعماقاْ مظلمة
هل تَحبوني من أحببتُ تُرابٍكم ؟...................................يامن رسَمت لكم البَسمةُ من دموعي
يامن قَتلتُ الأملَ و الحلمَ في عيوني .........................ألم تَلمسُ الحبَ والدفءَفي عيني
كفاكم تمزيقاْ في جَسدي كفاكم................................ صراعاْ علي ماتبقي من حُلمي
أنا جسداْ بلا روح وسماءاْ بلا شمس............................وإنطفيء القمرُ مع آخٍرَ دقات قلبي
إهجروني من أحَببتكُم حتي تعود.................................الطيور لتُحي سَكنات روحي
تَمنوا لي أحلاماْ جديدة داخل جسد..............................لم يبقي منةُ سوي إبتسامة فقط

صديقتي من جديد

لي صَديقة كالشمسُ في سمائيِ .................تهديني نوراْ ودفئاْ في حياتي
تخافُ علي مثُلُ خوفَ أُختي علي.................... أغيبُ عنها وأنسَاها ولاتنسَاني
تنيرُ طريقي بكلماتها وإبتساماتُها...................... كنت أظنُ لا صديقَ ولا رفيقَ لي
لا أعلمُ عنها سوي كلماتُها وسؤالهُا..................دائماْ تغضبَ مني لعدم سؤالي
كم بررتُ كثيراْ عن حالي كيفَ صار.................... وهيا دائماْ كالملاك تسألُ وتنتظرني

تمنيتُ أن أراها وتكونُ بالجوار لي......................عمتُاْ لأولادي وأخُتاْ لرفيقةَ حياتي
لنا يوماْ ما لقاءُاْ يجمعنا فيةُ الزمان.................... وتكوني بيننا كنجمةُُُ في سمائي

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Your Smile

The book ( Just My Meditations Part I)
When I see your smile I stop little to meditate how can Allah created in making the life secret in your smile for me, really I can’t understand what happened with me but I feel with the happiness when I see your smile,  Maybe I found a part of your love in your smile so the smile for me like kiss of life or the mysterious energy for me,  When I look at your eyes I find more secrets of life in every time because I feel those eyes created to give me the love and ability to continue, you give me more secrets give me more values in this life , Always give me your smile your magic which inhabit at your eyes to stay in this life close you forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab

Near To The Sea

The book (Just My Meditations Part I)
When I sit near to the sea I forget myself just looking to the sea and the boats which dance on it's quite waves like a  beautiful children play together and you can feel with their voices, I leave everything behind of my back and I’m not care about any movement around me for the people or the cars,  I look to the sea to forget everything around me to discover new dream for me, I just meditate it like a blue oasis with clear sky,  Always the sea send messages for me, I can understand it if I’m alone or even with others because the sea like my partner in my dreams,  Always I wait the time which the sea will decide it for me to call me to be near to it like a two partners forever.
Mohammed Abdeltawab