Every night I wish I have new
dream like this image because in every night I wish finding new hope for me
through these dreams to find the motivation in the next.In this image I can
find something touches my soul or my wishes about my way in this life. Every
night I wish finding everything like this snow and these trees cover by white
color and I can see the light there. Sometimes I wish my heart and my soul like
this color without black spots. My way will be like this way and I will have my
friends who will share me this way, sure my heart and my soul will walk with me
even the end of the way to see the sun. My way will be without sadness or
suffering but I will find the happiness. I will touch the beauty in every place
through my feelings. In every night I will be like an angel to find myself live
with angels only not with the demos. In every night I will discover something
new to discover my soul to touch it like a flower blooms for me. I know it’s
just wish to escape from my life but unfortunately in every night I find my dreams
with dark colors, maybe someday I can create my dream.
Mohammed Abdeltawab
Just My Meditations Part II
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